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Login required (click the colored 1/4 circle and let's get you enrolled/logged-in)

How to use this tool

  • Login (click the colored quarter circle in the upper-left corner)
  • Choose the event from the event-menu
  • Enter spread (and, optionally, opponent information) for each game
  • Edit, Add, or Delete Game-Rows as needed
  • Wipe all of your data if you really messed-up (or were just practicing)
  • Monitor the progress of other players using this card
  • If you're struggling to use this tool contact me: dph@luckytrout.com
If your mobile-device keyboard is missing a '-' (minus) key, do not panic, try another non-numeric character such as '*' or '#' and it should be converted to '-' for you.

Choose an Event from the Menu

Enter Spread (with '-' for loss) and Opponent Info (optional)

Correcting Errors

Click on a Game Row to make it editable (Revise it or click it again to go back to entry)

If you skipped a game or two, add row(s) to fix the error

The rows are added with '00' Spread so you will need to edit them

A row can be deleted by selecting the game number from the row menu and hitting 'Delete'

The extraneous row has been removed

If data has been entered into the wrong tournament, it can be transferred to the correct one. Click on the tournament title to reveal the transfer portal; choose the correct event and hit the Transfer button.

Scorecard Review

This table shows how all players are doing

Clicking on a row displays/hides the player's full card

Invite New User

The Invite button reveals a QR-code that could be scanned by a new user to access this page (a name and/or ACC number can be typed-in before hitting the button to customize the link for the new user). Alternately, the 'Link' could be copiend and texted/e-mailed.

Follow the link after 'More tournament data can be found: here:' to review all stored tournament data.

MRP Calculation

If the event is a Main or Consy, MRPs for Playoffs (dependent on number of players) and for Qualifying are shown when appropriate.

The last column of the results review table shows, after all games have been played for any player, the QualMRPs for top-half / bottom-half qualifying MRPs based on the number of game points the player has earned.

Event Creation / Editing

Fill out the information for the new event. Qualifying scores are optional but Type, Datetime, Number of Games, and Number of Players affect other aspects of this page.

Note: Number of Games is important -- cards that are incomplete are deleted after the event is closed; so, if e.g., a Consolation is only 8 games but the event creator specified that it was 9 games then all of the 8-game cards will be removed (because none of them will have a 9th game).